Francois Allaire Goalie drill

This is a version of a Francois Allaire drill.

Number points around the perimeter of the crease as follows:

left post - 1 45 deg left -2 top of crease - 3 45 deg right - 4 right post -5

Have goalie move 1-3-5 and 5-3-1 (5 reps). Teaching points are:

1. Correct position at (1) for RH goalie is stick heel to L toe, stick angled to cut centering pass. Catch glove is inverted (ie wrist turned clockwise) to face palm to L of net. Catch glove covers gap behind L knee, and can be extended forward if there is a flip pass. Head is turned to puck. R foot not placed too far forward (i.e. you can't bank the puck in off the blade) or too far back (i.e. in the net).

2. The push from 1-3 is very strong, with the stick on the ice covering the 5 hole during the move (most young RH goalies lift the stick in a left to right move - kill that habit). The stop is square to the puck, i.e. both toes in, like a snow plow. The goalie stays in his crouch. v

3. Good push from 3-5 with stick on ice sweeping to the post. Position at (5) is shaft of stick outside net, blade on ice, heel against toe of R skate, cutting off the pass. Catch glove extended in front to stop flip pass. After reps completed well, add shooters with pucks in L and R corner, and one (without pucks) in the slot. Alternate L and R shooters, who have option of passing to the centre man through the crease (pass should be blocked by goalie), or passing to centre in the slot (goalie should strong push to (3), and remain standing or butterfly. Later, modify the drill to require that the goalie move from or to a butterfly. For example, beginning at (5) in a butterfly, get up and move to (3) standing. The goalie should be taught always to get up on the push leg (R to move L, and L to move R), thus simplifying and speeding the move, once it becomes habit. All these drills should also be done following a 1-2-4-5 pattern (5 reps), followed by a 5-4-2-1.

George Raine Dartmouth, NS Thanks to George for the drill