This drill incorporates conditioning and skating. For a little variety later in the season, pucks may be added to improve stickhandling. Technique and speed should be the focus of this drill to improve skating ability and stamina. Pylons are placed in four of the faceoff circles as shown. Players are split into four groups and line up behind each of the neutral zone faceoff dots.

#1 The first skater in each line sprints to the first pylon to his left, stops, sprints back to the dot, stops, sprints to the middle pylon, stops, sprints to the dot, stops, sprints to the right pylon, stops, and sprints to the back of the line. 2nd player goes when 1st reaches the 3rd pylon. All stops should be made facing the same direction each time.

#2 Keeping the same groups, players skate the same pattern, peforming tight turns around the pylons and dot without stopping. All turns should be made toward the boards. Groups in each end should switch sides after a few reps to work on turns both ways.

#3 keeping the same groups, players skate the same pattern, forwards to the pylons from the dot, and backwards to the dot from the pylons, going around the pylons without stopping. Groups should switch sides to work both ways.

Thanks to Andrew Skoleski for his drill submissions.

Head Coach: Manitoba Lightning AAA South Winnipeg Storm A1